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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Collection of Beautiful Stitches

Hi - I am very new to hardanger and have purchased your book - a Collection of Beautiful Stitches.  Unfortunately I am not able to figure out all the stitches shown on the covers of your book.  Do you think you might be able to send me a list of the stitches as they are shown on the front and back covers, inside and out?

Thank you


Hello Carolyn,  I'm happy to list the stitches shown on the covers of A Collection of Beautiful Stitches.
FRONT COVER:  left to right and top[ to bottom:
Woven Bars with Picots
Woven Bars with Spokes
Woven Bars with Dove's Eyes
Woven Bars with Webs
Woven Bars with Woven Leaf
Woven Bars with Three-Sided Dove's Eye
Woven Bars with Buttonhole Bars
Woven Triangle
Woven Bar with Buttonhole Flower
Wrapped Bars with Spokes and Bullion Stitch - or Knot- center
Woven Bars, Picots and Webs
Woven Bars with Divided Branch
Wrapped Bars with Queen Ann's Lace
Woven Bars with Ribbed Web Loop Combo
Woven Bars (worked over two threads) and Dove's Eyes
Woven Bars with Ribbed Web and Spokes
Wrapped Bars with Ribbed Web and Spokes
Connected Wrapped Bars with Spokes
Woven Bars with Buttonhole Circle
Wrapped Bars (over two) with Dove's Eyes
Wrapped Bars with Ribbed Web
Woven Bars with Corner Dove's Eyes
Connected Wrapped Bars with Bullion Centers
Wrapped Bars with Woven Short Leaf
Wrapped with Dove's Eye and Spoke
Loop Stitch
Woven Bars with Web with Spokes
Wrapped Bars with Bullion  Knot/Stitch Center
Woven Bars with Spokes and Buttonhole Arc
Wrapped Bars with Spoke with Woven Leaf Flower
Maltese Cross Interlace


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Trust in the Lord

You stated in the directions for this piece that you would like to see what others choose to change in their piece. I am attaching a photo (I hope this works...I am learning a new operating system).  I did my piece on pistachio green linen, changed the pinks to the 600 series and the greens to cool ones, added some waterlilies variegated silks (Meadow and Spruce) replaced the bottom bullion knots (I have a lot of trouble with those) with Algerian crosses in the green silk and used a piece of my green quilting fabric behind the piece.  I would be interested to know what you think of my choices.  I loved working on this piece!!
Have a rainbow day!
Gail, Bellevue, NE
Hello Gail,
What wonderful color choices!  The fabric and the fibers you've chosen work together in harmony.  Congratulations, and thanks for sharing this with me and other stitchers!  Best wishes,  Emie

I need supplies! Can you help?

I am helping a friend locate supplies for Unfinished Sampler and have hit a snag with finding 28 count banding in Ivory that is 3.5 inches wide.  The response has been that 28 count only comes in 3.25 inches wide banding and no Ivory and the 3.5 inch wide banding only comes in 30 count.  I think she will be happy with the 30 count if I can convince her that it is not much different from the 28 count but I would like to be certain that there is NOT a 28 count linen banding that is 3.5 inches wide in Ivory out there somewhere that I have not been able locate yet.  Any help or suggestions would be very appreciated.  Thank you.

C. J.

Hello C.J. , 
I feel your pain.  Whenever I choose to use a fabric/fiber in my designs I check with the supplier.  In this instance I checked with and consulted with the fabric distributor as well as the maker of the linen band.  They always assure me that it won't be discontinued, and they continue supplying it for a while.  If you have checked with Nordic Needle in Fargo, ND, as well as Zweigart  and they have told you that it has been discontinued you will then be in a long search at individual shops for a shop that might still have a length of it on hand.  I can assure you that the 3.25 inch wide -30 count will work out just fine.  The  white will be appropriate if an ivory is not found.  AND any 28 count in any color that she chooses will also be appropriate.   You are good friend to help her.  I hope that this problem doesn't discourage either of you.  Tell her that I appreciate her interest in using one of my designs.
Best wishes,  Emie

My Garden

I am working on In My Garden and have run into a problem with the directions for the Middle Floral section.  Instructions for f. read:  “The four large flowers are worked with #12 Ecru Peal Cotton.  Begin by placing long stitches that meet at the center.  Working form the center out, weave over and under the three long stitches of each petal.” 

Could you please provide an illustration or a better explanation please.  I cannot find any instructions in my books or online for this type of flower. I love Emie Bishop designs and usually the instructions and illustrations are good but this one has me stumped.

Thank you so much. 


Hello Becky,

Those four large flowers as described in 2 f. are so much fun to stitch.  They are actually worked on top of the fabric instead of into the fabric or in a cut area.   After the long stitches that meet in the center are placed, bring the needle to the top of the fabric at the center.  "Working from the center out, weave over and under the three long stitches...."  They are worked the wame way as the flowers in 11 c on p. 3.  The illustration for them is shown on p. 11 (inside back cover) See Woven Petal with spoke.  
I hope this helps.  If you need further help, please contact me again. 
Thanks for choosing one of my designs, and best wishes.!

Love your Series Collection!

Hello Emie, 
I am a huge fan of yours and would like to know if I am missing a chart from one of your series. 

I have Faith, Hope, Love, Charity and Peace. 
I am hoping there is more as I want to put them in my dining room and need 3 more. 

Looking forward to hearing from  you. 
Hugs & Stitches, 

Hello Brenda,
Thank you for choosing some of my designs for your home!  I don't have any that follow that sequence.  However, I walked through my living/dining rooms and thought you might be interested in what I have chosen to hang in my own home. On one wall of my living room I have Embellishments, Faith, Hope, Dreams, Love, Charity and Welcome.  The wall near the piano has Peace and Trust In The Lord.  My dining room has Pieces of My Heart - the one that includes snippets of treasured laces as well the sampler that doesn't. I have chosen to hang Sunshine and Flowers. The entry foyer has the complete bell pull found in The Unfinished Sampler.  The Gardeen is at the top of the stairs.  The family room has Main Street USA (images of our hometown), Rava 'ai Ta'ata, Homeward bound, and others that have a country feel.
I hope that you will enjoy looking  through the website and that you will find something that will inspire you.  I will be pleased to hear again from you.
Best wishes,